2012 End of the World Magnetic Pole Shift Science

Before the comet comes, many nations, will be scourged by want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent will be devastated by earthquakes, storms and tidal waves. It will be divided and, in great part, submerged. The comet will by its tremendous pressure force much of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. All coastal cities will lie in fear, and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed, and even those who escape will die from horrible diseases.

All the worldwide unusual weather that has broken all previous records and the seismic activity as of late is perfectly clear. Today's melting and breaking up of massive glaciers, storms, floods, tsunamis, volcanic activity, & droughts are a preview and what will happen when it comes back?

Crops will fall, 90% of the planet's population might die. The force of it passing will cause the Earth's magnetic poles to shift. Do not live near coast! Tsunamis could reach 1 to 3 miles at Pole Shift!